Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Negative Vibes?

Life is not always perfect as the happy endings on fairy tales. It has antagonist which is so hard to defeat but it is possible. We just need a bright mind, a strong heart and an eager soul.

I know that nobody could be perfect but why can’t I be contented for being me. I mean I know my weaknesses but I don’t do a thing to change it. On the same time, I always see myself as somebody who is not worthy of appreciations while I envy a lot of people.
I know that the first thing to do in order to be seen as somebody by others is by seeing me first that way. I know that I should not look down on myself for I’m not but I keep on doing it. The problem is that I don’t have the drive to go and prove myself for maybe life has brought me a lot of rejections thus I started to give up. But life is too short to stay in despair, I should act and do something, make a change even how hard it could be.

The moment I have known about my condition, I felt so weak. I thought life has cursed me but I know I still can do a lot of things. But what the mind can’t think is impossible if the body won’t permit it. But no matter what, I’ll never give up on live for I want to live and be young, wild and free.

Sometimes, I feel so alone and now I feel so sad more especially in his coming absence. But life is not always served on a silver platter so I understand. But I can’t deny how painful it is to be on your own. Indeed, life is better if you shared it with other people for no man is an island. Sadness is just the absence of happiness and so bring back the joy and start smiling.

Life’s challenges are unending and it depend on us on how we face it. We can ignore it that seems like it never existed, we can try solving it and quit when we can’t handle it any longer or be strong and defeat it. For every problem is chance to learn and grow and be the person you can be proud of. Glitch are just test to see how strong we are in facing the adventures life has to offer.
I know time will come that all of this will be gone and in the end it will leave you lessons. In the end, we make our own problem so let’s be cautious in the journey we venture. Problems can be stressfull but life without stress is death for living means facing obstacles.

Be strong and be proud to be you for life is given once and once you allowed something to pass your way, it will be so hard to bring back those finished things. Hope and confidence is what we need to pursue this life of ours…

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