Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stuck in the Past

Life is a long journey, an adventure worth taking. Living is the greatest gift for we are able to see and enjoy everything the world has to offer. It may not last forever but at least the chance of experiencing its ups and downs is amazing.

The past is one of the major reason who we are in the present and will be in the future. It molded us to be the person who we are. It can be yesterday, the days, weeks, months or years before that and more back then. It has its own share of good and bad things but whatever it is, it's still part of who we are.

We may choose to forget about things in the past, pain, sadness, problems and other bad stuff but it doesn't mean that we don't acknowledge it for being part of us. Forgetting and letting go allows us not to get stuck in the past for as long as we think about it or we are being bothered by it, we can never go on for we can't move on. What matters most is living the present by thinking about the lessons we have learned so far and dreaming about the future that is approaching.

Why should we be bothered about something that had happen, are we forgetting the mere fact that we can never erase our past for time that had pass can never be returned. Turning back won't do a thing but in stead let us look ahead for a brighter future. I know that I'm not perfect and never will be but I'm still trying to at least do what is right to be good. I know people will always see and remember me for who I was especially the bad stuff but I don't care for I know that everyone makes mistakes. What will make a difference is how you stand from falling, it will be hard especially if people wants you to fall but in the end, it all depends on you and how you believe.

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