Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My thoughts

Dark Soul
                As requested by the person itself so I oblige lol.
                You came in a way that people know your presence with a name and font that catches attention. Your love for darkness is same as your love for people and me like that in you. Often stays at his dark corner so my advice is to have some light, if light burns have some candles then.  You maybe a dark soul but a good soul, you bring the goodness and happiness in the darkness. Continue being you dark. Thank you for the friendship, mwah!
What now?
                Oh yeah with all the drama last night I am very affected but having a sleep made me realize that just like me, people fall in and out of love and you can’t stop that feeling so if people hate me, I don’t care anymore. I will continue on loving despite the hate for my heart is pure and forgiving. I will continue to understand and be not affected by the hate for life is too short to let problems matter. I am all smiles and happiness now and forever.
The Real Deal
                This is what I wanted to write today:
                In this crazy and creepy world full of unknown are thing that we could not deny that may exist but still we are so unsure. I have my own share of creepy stuff so here it is.
The man in my sleep
                I don’t know why but whenever I sleep wrongly, someone comes and visits me in a way that I end up losing my breath. Everytime I sleep on my back and started to visit dreamland, I get the feeling that someone is laying on top me in a way that is suffocating me. I try to wake up, talk and move but I could not, a can see a figure of a face with horns and evil. so I close my eyes and pray, hoping this creep leave me and it did thus I try to never sleep on my back
Dreams and nightmares
                Sometimes leaving reality is a blessing but at times a curse. In my slumber, I have dreams and nightmares but I wish that the second will just leave or be forgotten. Whenever I dream badly, I try to wake up and if I did, I go into multiple instances of waking up in multiple places. It sucks but I know I need to keep on trying to wake up because I may end up stuck in dreams and nightmares which are never good.
Black Cat
                Superstitious belief state that black cat is bad luck everytime it walks in front of you but then the world is flooded by feline especially in my neighborhood. We used to have a black cat and at first I was hesitant at its presence but soon enough love it until it died and left us with its silver kids which are now annoying. Now that I left home, I am usually visited by a black cat with green eyes. I know he comes to check on the garbage but it creeps me out. It comes at night when everyone’s at sleep and if I shoo it off, it will stop and look me into the eyes and jump out. I don’t know why but I feel so scared about that tiny little feline, I have always been afraid of cats, black or not, I don’t like them for they scratch and poops around. When they meow it feels like there talking and I get irritated, I know silly me but I hope cats will leave me soon.

                Well that’s it for today, so fox if you have the chance to read this, see I did not write about you. Maybe next time, well I am creep out by a lot of stuff but for now that’s all I can remember, adios!

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